"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
John 3 v16
We are a Bible-believing Christian church seeking to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Below is a short summary of our beliefs:
The holy Scriptures (Genesis to Revelation, 66 books) as originally given are the inerrant Word of God, eternally true, and the supreme rule of faith and practice.
There is only one living God, who is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable in his being, in glory, wisdom, power, holiness, goodness, justice, and truth. He created the universe from his own fulness and is its supreme Ruler.
There are three glorious Persons in the Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who are One being, the same in substance, and equal in power and glory.
God created man in his own image to show forth his glory. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the garden of Eden, they fell into sin and came under the curse of death. The ten commandments summarise God's righteous law and the person who disobeys them is worthy of death. Because all have sinned and broken God's law, we are completely dependent on the grace of God to be saved from death.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God, eternally One with the Father and the Holy Spirit. At God's appointed time, he willingly humbled himself to be conceived in the womb of the virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit. He was born as a real child and grew up into manhood, lived a righteous life, and suffered death by being crucified on a Roman cross for our sins. After three days he rose from the dead and ascended into heaven where He is enthroned at the right hand of the Father. He is coming again to judge the world in power and glory.
Jesus fully and wholeheartedly kept the law of God (the ten commandments) when he lived on earth, and willingly suffered the curse of God's broken law when he died on the cross for our sins. The righteous life and death of Jesus Christ is the only ground of acceptance with God. By his sacrificial death, Christ's righteousness is imputed to everyone who believes in Him, and we are cleansed from sin by his blood - just as if we had never sinned.
The gospel is to be preached among all nations and is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ. It calls all men everywhere to repent and declares the forgiveness of sins and eternal life in Jesus's name. The gospel teaches that salvation is by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit is eternally One with the Father and with the Son. He breathes spiritual life into the soul of sinful man (the new birth) and no one can savingly repent and believe but by his power. He enlivens and sanctifies (makes holy) the believer through the truth of God's word.
Before the world was made, God loved and chose a people in Christ Jesus from all nations to obtain salvation. God's love is infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, and is manifested in the unspeakable gift of Jesus. Likewise, God's foreknowledge of those he chose is eternal, and nothing can alter his sovereign choice.
Those who believe in the Lord Jesus are adopted into God's family. They receive the Spirit of adoption and worship and love God as their Father. The same Spirit sanctifies believers through the Word of God empowering them to take up their cross, to love one another, and to follow holiness and peace in obedience and love to the Son of God.
There are two gospel ordinances: believer's Baptism, and the Lord's Supper. All who believe in the Lord Jesus are commanded to be baptised in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Lord's Supper is to be observed by the fellowship of baptised believers and shows the Lord's death until He comes again.
There will be a last day in which Jesus will judge the world in righteousness. Then will be the resurrection from the dead of all people who ever lived. The righteous will be blessed and inherit the kingdom of God where they shall ever be with the Lord. The wicked, who did not repent, will be banished from the presence of the Lord, and go into everlasting punishment.